Have You Discovered Your Elimination Communication Confidence?
Currently Browsing: Elimination Communication

Discover the 7 Secrets to Potty Train Your Baby…

Potty Train Your Baby: You Can REDUCE Your Baby’s Use of Diapers!

Discover the 7 Secrets to Elimination Communication…

Discover the 7 Secrets to Elimination Communication FREE eBook

  • Save Your Money, Reduce Nappy Waste or Washing
  • Reduce those ‘messy’ nappy changes
  • Diaper Rash? It’ll become a memory… and it’s FUN to Do!
  • Become Part Time Diaper Free While You Practice The Ancient Art of Elimination Communication (EC) or Learn How to Potty Train Your Baby…
  • Your baby can be wearing a nappy for your peace-of-mind (as this will help you to relax), even though they don’t always use it.

It brings me great pleasure to introduce “Discover the 7 Secrets to Elimination Communication: Build Your EC Confidence With Ease!”, a free eBook written by me, Charndra of TribalBaby.org.

The 7 Secrets to Elimination Communication provide a broad understanding of how EC works. They highlight those attitudes, approaches and strategies that will ensure you are heading in the right direction, a positive direction. Prepare yourself with the right mind-set.

This is a popular resource on how to potty train your baby: 2330 people have read ‘The 7 Secrets’ as an online guide, now it is a free eBook!

‘The 7 Secrets to Elimination Communication’ is a fun, ‘light’ introduction to the concept of how to potty train your baby (or EC). Confidence and a positive and light approach is an essential and integral part of elimination communicaton, and I strongly believe that every parent having a go at EC should understand the gentle fundamental approaches behind a successful EC experience. Therefore, I would like to provide you with this eBook that you can download for free to give you this confidence wherever you are in your exploration of how to potty train your baby.

Build Your EC Confidence With Ease!

Download my FREE eBook by clicking on the link below:

The 7 Secrets to Elimination Communication

Have fun connecting!

– Charndra

P.S Keep in touch by joining my Tribal Baby news list over there in the sidebar. Connect with My Tribal Baby on facebook…

Diaper Free Baby – Your Part Time EC eBook

Diaper Free Baby: an eBook About Elimination Communication

You’re looking for an eBook to discover all you need to know about having a Diaper Free Baby?

Since before my first baby was born I was super-keen to give elimination communication or infant potty training a go: I read up on the topic in books, on websites and in forums. Still, I searched for more information. When my son was born we launched into our own exploration of the ancient art of EC, and I learnt many more insights about my baby through this gentle technique. I have shared all I know in this thorough eBook on Elimination Communication. available to you here on Tribal Baby! I share with you all my insights and the best tips I picked up along the way through trial and error, conversations and practicing EC with my two babies from birth.

Having a Diaper Free Baby is also known as EC, Elimination Communication or going nappy free.

In my eBook on EC, called ‘Part Time EC: A Personal Guide to Developing Your Elimination Communication Confidence’ you’ll find over 220 pages of resources, including:

  • Discover tips + strategies for how to get started with your Diaper Free Baby
  • Find expert help for solving problems with having a Diaper Free Baby
  • Discover the best Diaper Free Baby resources
  • Find recommended stores and equipment to help you with your Diaper Free Baby
  • Learn about the most helpful Diaper Free Baby eBooks, books + DVD’s.

Simply click through to obtain your copy of my Diaper Free Baby ebook on part time EC:

Discover More about My Ebook on having a ‘Diaper Free Baby’:

‘Part Time EC: A Personal Guide to Developing Your Elimination Communication Confidence’


230 pages of resources will be yours. Discover all you need to know about the Diaper Free Baby and start your journey into EC today…

I sincerely hope that this book will encourage you to increase your confidence in your communication with your baby. I also believe that you will discover many creative ideas and clever insights through this eBook. It will help you.

Elimination Communication is a cumbersome term for a simple concept: helping your baby to pee in a potty from their early days to give them comfort and a clean diaper – at least some of the time!

– Charndra Josling




Toilet Train Your Baby: Elimination Communication Stories for Mothers

Toilet Train Your Baby: Elimination Communication Stories

You’re looking for stories for mothers to discover all you need to know about how to Toilet Train Your Baby?

To Toilet Train Your Baby is also known as EC, elimination communication, having a diaper free baby or Baby Toilet Training.

A popular section of Tribal Baby is called Adventures in Elimination Communication, or Part Time Baby Pottying.

Parents practicing elimination communication are sharing their stories with you in their own words in this section of Tribal Baby…

Adventures in Elimination Communication:

Kayla, J.R, Ezra and Elizabeth, from the United States…

“We love EC because it has helped us to feel so incredibly bonded with our babies. When you’re tuned into their elimination needs, it’s much harder to ignore your baby. We get more “face time” because of the potty breaks. It forces us to slow down and really enjoy our babies. It helps me to understand them better, because we communicate about more things than if we didn’t do EC. It’s like opening up a whole new world.”

Read through a range of stories written for mothers about elimination communication or how to toilet train your baby…

Discover More About My Elimination Communication eBook…

The most important thing about discovering how to toilet train your baby is that no-one can give advice about it unless they have practiced it themselves, it is such an experience based activity. Ignore the ‘rantings’ from people who have ‘heard’ this or that – those are opinions based on lack of experience. Form your own opinions! (Have your own fun…) Learn from the experts – the mothers and their babies! Then discover EC with YOUR baby…

Elimination Communication eBook

‘Part Time EC: A Personal Guide to Developing Your Elimination Communication Confidence’

230 pages of resources will be yours. Discover all you need to know about how to toilet train your baby and start your journey into EC today…

Elimination Communication is a cumbersome term for a simple concept: helping your baby to pee in a potty from their early days to give them comfort and a clean diaper – at least some of the time!

– Charndra Josling

P.S. I sincerely hope that this book will encourage you to increase your confidence in your communication with your baby. I also believe that you will discover many creative ideas and clever insights through this eBook. The introductory section is available as a free download; over 2500 people have enjoyed that part already. It will help you too.


Looking for EC Stores? Finding Elimination Communication Stores, Supplies, Books and More Resources…

Looking for Elimination Communication Stores? Clothing, Books and Forums…

There are lots of EC Stores online offering you quality elimination communication clothes.

Looking for Elimination Communication Supplies? Start Here:

My directory of Elimination Communication Stores design and make, or offer specialist clothing and EC gear to visitors. Have a browse and get inspired!

Visit the Tribal Baby Directory of Elimination Communication Stores

There are now many types of EC clothing available to add to your convenience – designed and made by parents who have practiced EC, so they know what you need for easier potty breaks and puddle prevention! Special potties too.

Download my Free Guide for getting started with Elimination Communication: The 7 Secrets

Elimination Communication is a truly baby-led approach to hygiene that results in a massive reduction in reliance on diapers or nappies over many months, in fact two years. So, yes, it is a gradual process – not a sprint to the finish!

Investing the time is very worthwhile for the many benefits it offers you and your baby. Imagine only seldom changing a poopy diaper – that is what EC meant for us – and I am SO GLAD we raised our baby this way!! Changing nappies or diapers soon became a thing of the past. Wet things were easy to chuck in the washing. Poos went in the loo with EC.

Elimination Communication Forums:

Find an elimination communication forum that is right for you. Firstly read  through my tips for getting the most out of an elimination communication forum

Elimination Communication and Other Potty Training Books, CD and DVD Resources:

Discover More about My Elimination Communication eBook…

Diaper Free! – The Gentle Art of Natural Infant Hygiene

The Diaper Free Baby

Potty Whispering

Diaper-Free Before 3: The Healthier Way to Toilet Train and Help Your Child Out of Diapers Sooner

Infant Potty Training: A Gentle and Primeval Method Adapted to Modern Living

EC Simplified: Infant Potty Training Made Easy

Early-Start Potty Training

Top Potty Training Tips and Tricks Written By Parents For Parents Plus Bonus Section: Elimination Communication

Stress-Free Potty Training: A Commonsense Guide to Finding the Right Approach for Your Child


Discover the 7 Secrets to Toilet Train Your Baby…

You Can REDUCE Your Baby’s Use of Diapers: Toilet Train Your Baby.

Discover the 7 Secrets to Elimination Communication…

  • Save Your Money, Reduce Nappy Waste or Washing
  • Reduce those ‘messy’ nappy changes
  • Diaper Rash? It’ll become a memory… and it’s FUN to Do!
  • Become Part Time Diaper Free While You Practice The Ancient Art of Elimination Communication (EC) or Toilet Train Your Baby…
  • Your baby can be wearing a nappy for your peace-of-mind (as this will help you to relax), even though they don’t always use it.

It brings me great pleasure to introduce “Discover the 7 Secrets to Elimination Communication: Build Your EC Confidence With Ease!”, a free eBook written by me, Charndra of TribalBaby.org.

The 7 Secrets to Elimination Communication provide a broad understanding of how it works to toilet train your baby. They highlight those attitudes, approaches and strategies that will ensure you are heading in the right direction, a positive direction. Prepare yourself with the right mind-set.

This is a popular resource on how to Toilet Train Your Baby: 2330 people have read ‘The 7 Secrets’ as an online guide, now it is a free eBook!

‘The 7 Secrets to Elimination Communication’ is a fun, ‘light’ introduction to the concept of how to toilet train your baby (or EC). Confidence and a positive and light approach is an essential and integral part of elimination communicaton, and I strongly believe that every parent having a go at EC should understand the gentle fundamental approaches behind a successful EC experience. Therefore, I would like to provide you with this eBook that you can download for free to give you this confidence wherever you are in your exploration of how to toilet train your baby.

Build Your EC Confidence With Ease!

Download my FREE eBook by clicking on the link below:

The 7 Secrets to Elimination Communication

Have fun connecting!

– Charndra

P.S Keep in touch by joining my Tribal Baby news list over there in the sidebar. Connect with My Tribal Baby on facebook…

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