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Baby Toilet Training: Stories of Elimination Communication for Mothers

Baby Toilet Training: Elimination Communication Stories

You’re looking for stories for mothers to discover all you need to know about Baby Toilet Training?

Baby Toilet Training is also known as EC, elimination communication, having a diaper free baby or going nappy free.

A popular section of Tribal Baby is called Adventures in Elimination Communication, or Part Time Baby Pottying.

Parents practicing elimination communication are sharing their stories with you in their own words in this section of Tribal Baby…

Adventures in Elimination Communication:

Georgia and Imari, from Australia…

“It made me feel like I was doing a better job at learning how she communicates. Before I heard about EC, I had come across Attachment Parenting (AP). With AP, communication and attachment is key and by learning EC and helping Imari to learn it too. I realised that it was helping me and her to bond better and be more secure in the attachment. I know that Imari trusts me because of my attachment parenting and I think that this has made our EC journey a lot easier.”

Read through a range of stories written for mothers about elimination communication or baby potty training…

Discover More About My Elimination Communication eBook…

The most important thing about EC is that no-one can give advice about it unless they have practiced it themselves, it is such an experience based activity. Ignore the ‘rantings’ from people who have ‘heard’ this or that – those are opinions based on lack of experience. Form your own opinions! (Have your own fun…) Learn from the experts – the mothers and their babies! Then discover EC with YOUR baby…

Elimination Communication eBook

‘Part Time EC: A Personal Guide to Developing Your Elimination Communication Confidence’

230 pages of resources will be yours. Discover all you need to know about the baby toilet training and start your journey into EC today…

Elimination Communication is a cumbersome term for a simple concept: helping your baby to pee in a potty from their early days to give them comfort and a clean diaper – at least some of the time!

– Charndra Josling

P.S. I sincerely hope that this book will encourage you to increase your confidence in your communication with your baby. I also believe that you will discover many creative ideas and clever insights through this eBook. The introductory section is available as a free download; over 2500 people have enjoyed that part already. It will help you too.


Discover More about My Elimination Communication eBook…

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