Have You Discovered Your Elimination Communication Confidence?

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Discover Elimination Communication to Use Less Diapers! Day 1 of the Hunt.

About Tribal Baby: Discover Elimination Communication to Use, Buy and Wash Less Diapers! Day One of the Hunt.

This is a copy of the posts in my hunters thread.

Introduction to Tribal Baby:

Welcome Hunters!

At Tribal Baby I share my own, personal experiences with elimination communicationbirth hypnosisbreastfeedingbaby led weaning and sleep sharing.

I have a free eBook called ‘Discover the 7 Secrets to Elimination Communication‘ which gives Moms the best confidence for doing baby potty training! Over 2500 mothers have learnt the 7 Secrets to EC already. I hope you might too, simply click on it’s download link and read through at your leisure, or join my announcement list to have a more ‘guided’ tour.

I’m sure you’ll get side-tracked when looking around Tribal Baby – hunters always do they tell me.

This thread will have a daily link to an aspect of Tribal Baby and oblique clues as well. My clues will be visual and easy to spot once you are on their page.

Good luck!

Day One of the Great Cloth Diaper Hunt:

Great to see so many hunters already visiting Tribal Baby!

I will be linking to a page on Tribal Baby each day of the hunt and telling you a bit about it. Sometimes it may be part of the hunt, or maybe not.

My hunt is pretty easy, you’ll travel around the different sections and find out a few things.

Today’s article is:
Elimination Communication: The Importance of Diaper Free Time… It’s part of the section of Tribal Baby where I recorded my experiences discovering EC with my son… 7 years ago!

Becoming diaper free is a slow, evolving process of team work with baby and one’s own confidence – stretching the barriers of the comfort zone until they become wider! Then staying there for a while – cruising in the zone – until the confidence to expand comes again! (It always does) So what if we plateau for a while – it is all fun. Then you look back and go “Wow, look how far we have come!”

Hunters Start Here…


Discover More about My Elimination Communication eBook…

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