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Baby-Led Solids: an Exercise in TRUST

Baby-Led Solids

Baby led solids – the easy way to introduce solids at the perfect pace for your individual baby’s needs!

Baby Led Solids is an Exercise in TRUSTbaby-led introducing solids.

Baby led solids is basically an ongoing exercise in trust. It involves a shift in approach- from being the person ‘managing’ the baby’s eating, to one of trusting the baby’s instincts about what they eat, when and how much. Considering the burgeoning levels of obesity, any way we can support baby’s natural appetite awareness, starting by breastfeeding to the baby’s needs (feeding to cue), seems the logical way to go. Mother nature has provided a pretty good system.

Following a baby-led approach turns out to be reassuring, a personal challenge and enlightening all at once. I have at times basically had to force myself to accept Maven’s natural awareness of his appetite, and this has reinforced to me the importance, and safety net, of sustained breastfeeding. As he gains so much of his nutritional needs from breast milk, he needs to only ‘top up’ his diet with his whimsical toddler eating patterns. Most reassuring really, not having to feel I should be coaxing him to eat all day. Instead, all that is needed is to offer a wide range of options over the week.

Baby-Led Solids: What is it?

Baby led introduction to solids has only slight differences – but gee they made logical sense to me, so we decided to go that way, and have been really happy with how it is going.

The basic difference is minimal spoon feeding – which is something that often happens anyway as toddlers decide to feed themselves.

Read more about following a Baby Led Introduction to Solids…

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