Have You Discovered Your Elimination Communication Confidence?
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Looking for EC Stores? Finding Elimination Communication Stores, Supplies, Books and More Resources…

Looking for Elimination Communication Stores? Clothing, Books and Forums…

There are lots of EC Stores online offering you quality elimination communication clothes.

Looking for Elimination Communication Supplies? Start Here:

My directory of Elimination Communication Stores design and make, or offer specialist clothing and EC gear to visitors. Have a browse and get inspired!

Visit the Tribal Baby Directory of Elimination Communication Stores

There are now many types of EC clothing available to add to your convenience – designed and made by parents who have practiced EC, so they know what you need for easier potty breaks and puddle prevention! Special potties too.

Download my Free Guide for getting started with Elimination Communication: The 7 Secrets

Elimination Communication is a truly baby-led approach to hygiene that results in a massive reduction in reliance on diapers or nappies over many months, in fact two years. So, yes, it is a gradual process – not a sprint to the finish!

Investing the time is very worthwhile for the many benefits it offers you and your baby. Imagine only seldom changing a poopy diaper – that is what EC meant for us – and I am SO GLAD we raised our baby this way!! Changing nappies or diapers soon became a thing of the past. Wet things were easy to chuck in the washing. Poos went in the loo with EC.

Elimination Communication Forums:

Find an elimination communication forum that is right for you. Firstly read  through my tips for getting the most out of an elimination communication forum

Elimination Communication and Other Potty Training Books, CD and DVD Resources:

Discover More about My Elimination Communication eBook…

Diaper Free! – The Gentle Art of Natural Infant Hygiene

The Diaper Free Baby

Potty Whispering

Diaper-Free Before 3: The Healthier Way to Toilet Train and Help Your Child Out of Diapers Sooner

Infant Potty Training: A Gentle and Primeval Method Adapted to Modern Living

EC Simplified: Infant Potty Training Made Easy

Early-Start Potty Training

Top Potty Training Tips and Tricks Written By Parents For Parents Plus Bonus Section: Elimination Communication

Stress-Free Potty Training: A Commonsense Guide to Finding the Right Approach for Your Child


EC Wear: Convenient Clothes for Elimination Communication: 3 Best EC Cloth Pants


EC Wear was Created and Developed by Marija, who lives in New York. She wanted a range of clothes for families practicing elimination communication that were practical, stylish and pretty as well as ethically produced.

elimination communication clothes

Here are 3 of my top picks to check out when you visit EC Wear:


L’il Baby Chaps Pants for Elimination Communication

These pants are designed to keep baby’s legs warm. They may be nakey – bum, wear a nappy or diaper over or under the pants for puddle prevention – baby can stay warm during changes! Best of all, they can stay on through several diaper or nappy changes as they are more difficult to get wet! Made of cotton or fleece.

elimination communication clothes


Re-Ewes Split Pants for Elimination Communication

Re-Ewes Split Pants are eco-friendly split crotch pants made from recycled sweaters or jumpers from yard sales / garage sales and thrift stores / op shops.  These wool baby pants are terrific for elimination communication, keeping your baby warm during diaper-free time for baby and caregiver to gain awareness of elimination patterns. They can be used very effectively as a pre-fold belt in which baby has warm legs as well. Very Clever!

elimination communication clothes

Mama Roo Split Pants for Elimination Communication

The overlapping design of these split crotch pants will help absorb some of the wetness of EC misses. The pants overlap your baby on the back and belly, and the design allows you to adjust the waistband size as your baby grows. At the overlap, the pants are held together with a diaper-pin. The waist can be completely opened in the case of a miss, however the elastic waist also allows you to leave the pin intact when pulling the pants off the baby. When baby is held with the legs closed, the pants cover baby’s leaky parts, when the baby is held in the EC position the pants open appropriately.

elimination communication clothes


Visit EC Wear: Convenient Clothes for Elimination Communication

More resources about Clothes for Elimination Communication:

Elimination Communication Clothes: Cloth Training Pants




Discover Elimination Communication to Wash Less Diapers! Day 7 of the Hunt.

About Tribal Baby: Discover Elimination Communication to Use, Buy and Wash Less Diapers! Day 7 of the Hunt.

This is a copy of the posts in my hunters thread.

Day Seven of the Great Cloth Diaper Hunt:

Hi Hunters,
today’s highlight is on a page about how you can use baby sign language with elimination communication. It’s called Elimination Communication and Baby Sign Language: 3 Tips
I was surprised initially that it is a popular page, but I guess so many people use baby sign language, why not combine this non verbal skill with the sometimes non verbal communication about baby’s need to use the potty?

The tips are pretty simple really;

3 Strategies to Remember When Combining Baby Pottying With Baby Sign Language:
  1. Make your chosen sign each time you approach the potty
  2. Make your sign whenever your baby is on the potty
  3. Use the sign to ‘ask’ if your baby wants to use their potty- respond to their excitement, respect their reservations.

Hunters Start Here…


Discover Elimination Communication to Buy Less Diapers! Day 15 of the Hunt.

About Tribal Baby: Discover Elimination Communication to Use, Buy and Wash Less Diapers! Day 15 of the Hunt.

This is a copy of the posts in my hunters thread.

Day 15 of the Great Cloth Diaper Hunt:

Good morning hunters!

340 icon finds this morning. Well Done!

I’m guessing you are all finding it more easily now, as there are no hunters asking for hints this week.

Today’s highlight is on a page about Baby Led Solids.

Perhaps controversial? Perhaps sensible? What do you think? It’s likely you combine the two – spoon feeding baby mush with letting them pick up finger food to eat.

When I discovered the concept it was still pretty new-ish, and I remember a mother screeching on a forum at the time that it was all wrong – the right thing to do was to only feed purees to babies by your hand.

There you go! Some people have never heard of the idea that someone can do something different and still be doing the right thing, LOL. It’s all choices we can choose to apply to the uniqueness of our own situations.

Hunters Start Here…


Discover Elimination Communication to Wash Less Diapers! Day 5 of the Hunt.

About Tribal Baby: Discover Elimination Communication to Use, Buy and Wash Less Diapers! Day 5 of the Hunt.

This is a copy of the posts in my hunters thread.

Day Five of the Great Cloth Diaper Hunt:

Hi Hunters,
Well, here we are still on the 5th and no panicky queries for clues… I’m hoping this is meaning my trail is guiding you in the right direction!

Today is a semi-clue perhaps…

I want to highlight a very popular page on Tribal Baby: Using Self Hypnosis for an Easier Birth

I’ve had both my babies using self-hypnosis. And will for number 3 as well next year. To sum it up briefly, to me it is all about the breathing – sucking in enough oxygen that the uterus muscles have plenty of oxygenated blood to exercise effectively. Abolishing fear, which leads to that rich blood being diverted to the external limbs, causing pain in the uterus, or simply, painful cramping rather than strong flexing.

Still hard work, but not painful. A new mindset to get into.

Hunters Start Here…

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