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Discover Elimination Communication to Wash Less Diapers! Day 5 of the Hunt.

About Tribal Baby: Discover Elimination Communication to Use, Buy and Wash Less Diapers! Day 5 of the Hunt.

This is a copy of the posts in my hunters thread.

Day Five of the Great Cloth Diaper Hunt:

Hi Hunters,
Well, here we are still on the 5th and no panicky queries for clues… I’m hoping this is meaning my trail is guiding you in the right direction!

Today is a semi-clue perhaps…

I want to highlight a very popular page on Tribal Baby: Using Self Hypnosis for an Easier Birth

I’ve had both my babies using self-hypnosis. And will for number 3 as well next year. To sum it up briefly, to me it is all about the breathing – sucking in enough oxygen that the uterus muscles have plenty of oxygenated blood to exercise effectively. Abolishing fear, which leads to that rich blood being diverted to the external limbs, causing pain in the uterus, or simply, painful cramping rather than strong flexing.

Still hard work, but not painful. A new mindset to get into.

Hunters Start Here…

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