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Discover Elimination Communication to Buy Less Diapers! Day 15 of the Hunt.

About Tribal Baby: Discover Elimination Communication to Use, Buy and Wash Less Diapers! Day 15 of the Hunt.

This is a copy of the posts in my hunters thread.

Day 15 of the Great Cloth Diaper Hunt:

Good morning hunters!

340 icon finds this morning. Well Done!

I’m guessing you are all finding it more easily now, as there are no hunters asking for hints this week.

Today’s highlight is on a page about Baby Led Solids.

Perhaps controversial? Perhaps sensible? What do you think? It’s likely you combine the two – spoon feeding baby mush with letting them pick up finger food to eat.

When I discovered the concept it was still pretty new-ish, and I remember a mother screeching on a forum at the time that it was all wrong – the right thing to do was to only feed purees to babies by your hand.

There you go! Some people have never heard of the idea that someone can do something different and still be doing the right thing, LOL. It’s all choices we can choose to apply to the uniqueness of our own situations.

Hunters Start Here…


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