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Discover Elimination Communication to Buy Less Diapers! Day 2 of the Hunt.

About Tribal Baby: Discover Elimination Communication to Use, Buy and Wash Less Diapers! Day Two of the Hunt.

This is a copy of the posts in my hunters thread.

Day Two of the Great Cloth Diaper Hunt:

Good Morning Hunters,
Nearly 100 of you downloaded my free eBook called ‘Discover the 7 Secrets to Elimination Communication‘ yesterday, so I thought I’d tell everyone a bit more about it today!

The aim of it is to gives Moms the confidence needed to do Elimination Communication in a positive, light hearted way. Each ‘Secret’ is an approach that will help you to do EC without thinking it must be done full time, or that you can’t use diapers – you CAN! We do! Everyone does!

EC is about the elimination comfort of tiny babies – giving you another option when they are squirming, fussing and unconsolable – perhaps they just need a poop! Many times this was the answer for us – to hold baby’s bum into a bucket with our hands holding under their knees and back supported by our belly. The simple position HELPS them to go – and voila! They do their thing.

Whispering ‘pss sss’ in their ear, or some other relaxing sound can become a trigger that they can release again in the future – and just like that, you’ve introduced a cue sound, just like thousands of mothers in the past.

Over 2500 mothers have learnt the 7 Secrets to EC already. I hope you might too, simply click on it’s download link and read through at your leisure, or join my announcement list to have a more ‘guided’ tour.

Have fun hunting for Tribal Baby’s icon!

Hunters Start Here…


Discover More about My Elimination Communication eBook…

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