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Starting Elimination Communication With Your Baby: A Step by Step Guide to EC…

Starting Elimination Communication With Your Baby: A Step by Step Guide to EC…

Elimination Communication – what a cumbersome word, right?

I’ve always liked to call it ‘Baby Pottying’, though it is also called a plethora of names like infant or baby potty training, natural infant hygiene or assisted infant toiletting!

What they all mean is that you help your baby to go to the toilet somewhere other than in their nappy or diaper, some of the time, using a combination of cue sounds, common timing opportunities, spotting signs, developing joint signals and refining your intuition.

Mothers are attracted to this concept for many reasons. Perhaps it  caught your attention for one of these reasons:

  • To save money on diapers. Disposable diapers used full time for a minimum of two years will set you back a decent wodge of cash, that’s for sure, and if you end up having two or three kids, this number can run into thousands…
  • As a ‘new’ way to bond with your baby. Many mothers are attracted to the unmistakeable appeal of ‘knowing’ their baby so well that they can anticipate baby’s need to wee or poo and help them do it on a potty or toilet rather that have to always clean up after the fact. Among mothers who didn’t know about elimination communication, I’ll bet every single one of them knows their baby’s ‘poo face’, they just didn’t know of the reasonable and traditional option of popping baby on a potty at those times…
  • Simply for the benefit of skipping messy nappy changes. That’s a no-brainer. Poopy nappies are yuk. Everyone would like to change them less. Imaging skipping 50% of them? 80% of them? Some families skip nearly all messy diaper changes, and merely have wet nappies to change. It simplifies things considerably…
  • As part of a general natural approach to baby care. Some mothers find elimination communication when they adopt certain more natural parenting styles, such as extended breastfeeding past 6 months, or co-sleeping with their baby so everyone gets more sleep, or baby wearing to keep baby calm and happy. Others discover baby potty training first then discover these ideas flow naturally out of that, making their elimination communication easier. If you’ve read other articles on my site, you’ll have seen how each of these ideas makes EC easier…
  • For Sustainability and Environmentalism. More of a bonus is the positive feelings about helping reduce the environmental impact of a baby, which can be quite considerable, considering they are a tiny little thing! Each potty visit means less resources used, which is ultimately a feel-good vibe for us as parents. It’s nice to know that your baby sometimes uses the toilet just as you would, nothing disposable heading off to the dump, little or less need for wipes, and plastic nappy bags, and less laundry washing…

So, how DO you get started with Elimination Communication?

A step by step guide will help you to dive right into this ancient and traditional practice… You can follow along, read through some strategies and incorporate them straight into your day from the start. Starting tomorrow, starting today!

A stage by stage guide to doing baby potty training will allow you to fast-track months of finding your way by trial and error. Having a clear series of activities to master will rocket your discoveries about your baby as you develop a singular confidence about how ec works within your own unique lifestyle.

Rather than wondering if and when to start, simply start. Babies are smart, and so are you! Babies are adaptable and so are you. Except, elimination communication in the modern way does not require adaptation – you still rely on nappies or diapers in between potty visits to give you peace of mind, a clean environment as it were.

Folks who tell you that to do elimination communication means you must remove the nappy for good and stagger through a confusing and messy stage of frustrating learning to do it ‘right’ are just deluding themselves and are really a bit misguided. Diapers were invented for a reason, and you will use them when starting EC and at different stages of baby potty training, be reassured of that! You can discover an easier way.

With Elimination communication you can enhance the communication you share with your baby in amazing ways, allowing you to use less diapers, buy less diapers, change and wash less diapers and be ‘done’ with them sooner than the average of approaching three years in the things that is common these days.

Perhaps you are saying to yourself something like: Yes, I’ve heard about EC and want to do it, but where do I start?

Okay… here comes the good part!

I‘ve put together a step by step guide for starting elimination communication. I’ve given you a series of strategies to do each day at each stage to help build your knowledge, refine your observational skills and give you simple strategies to enhance your EC bond and help you to begin keeping diapers drier for longer and longer periods of time. Best of all, skip poopy nappy changes and feel a fuzzy bond when you and your baby ‘click’ and you get to the potty on time!

Within my eBook you’ll find:

  • The 7 Secrets to Elimination Communication. 7 Secrets to practicing EC with humour, confidence and strategies for success: get positive!
  • How to get started with your baby in 9 Stage by stage sections, each with 3 simple activities to try daily.
  • Tips, Strategies, Clues, Ideas and Reminders to help you skip those nappies…
  • Your Changing Table Guides: Key reminders to prompt you at the change table every visit.
  • Your Baby Watching Guides: Structured, yet simple guides to help you discover your baby’s signs…

Here’s how it works:

1) You start at the beginning or jump into a stage where you are at and explore the ideas and suggested strategies.

2) The eBook gives you all the information, tips and experiences from other mothers plus links to extra resources including complementary websites and optional equipment found useful for families practicing EC.

3) You can download reminders to pin up over your baby’s changing table to keep you feeling positive and pumped!

4) You enjoy the benefits of practicing elimination communication when best combined with your own lifestyle – using nappies as backup, having baby use their potty at risings and changes, or at regular times during the day, or whatever suits your family. You’ll discover helpful tips for helping your baby to relax, to keep relaxed yourself and to always see elimination communication as a gentle, joint process between you and your baby.

So if you want to develop a natural and instinctive bond with your baby and you are excited about skipping some nappy changes, you’ll benefit from this helpful resource for parents wanting to start Elimination Communication.

You’ll gain confidence, learn strategies, discover tips from other mothers and best of all, have a part-time diaper-free baby! In time, you can ditch the diapers, switch to cloth trainers and cut another expense from your future budget – that of disposable training pull-up pants that might otherwise be used for up to 5 years at night!

Part Time EC is a detailed guide jam-packed full of strategies, ideas and tips to help you succeed with elimination communication. From starting with simple timing options, to learning signs your baby needs to go, introducing signals and baby signs to help your baby communicate back to you, to advanced elimination communication skills such as using baby wearing to skip nappies, fine-tuning your breastfeeding awareness to tell you when baby needs to go (Yes!) and even the super- advanced stages of night time elimination communication for those who co-sleep and are up for this most exciting of challenges.

Would You Like to See This eBook?

Part Time EC – A Personal Guide to Developing Your Elimination Communication Confidence is only $2.99

Elimination Communication eBook

Inside you‘ll find over 200 pages of helpful resources, practical, tried and true tips, strategies and insights into practicing elimination communication with your baby. Plus I‘ve also given you several bonus guides packed with additional information and tips that‘ll make the process even easier, including tips for travelling with an EC baby and in one place, resources on preparing to do EC with your baby and of course the ever popular 7 secrets to elimination communication that you’ve probably already read about elsewhere on my site.

I recommend you get Part Time EC so you‘ll have the techniques, strategies and confidence to get started with your own EC journey right away. It‘s a PDF, so as soon as your payment has been processed you‘ll have access to the download link.


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After you place your order and you‘ve had a chance to check the eBook out, come back here and leave a comment. I‘d love to hear your feedback — and so would other potential buyers. So don’t be shy!


Gain a closer awareness of your baby’s needs as you explore the ancient art and modern changes to Elimination Communication. A step by step guide, focussed on building your confidence. Aid in your unique bonding with your baby…

Stage by stage, you can jump in at any point, revisit, explore from any point. Perhaps you will derive a secret thrill when people notice how ‘clever’ you and your baby are, while knowing they too could master these skills with the knowledge you have access to.

Discover More about My Elimination Communication eBook…

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