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Discover Elimination Communication to Wash Less Diapers! Day 4 of the Hunt.

About Tribal Baby: Discover Elimination Communication to Use, Buy and Wash Less Diapers! Day 4 of the Hunt.

This is a copy of the posts in my hunters thread.

Day Four of the Great Cloth Diaper Hunt:

Hello Hunters!

Welcome to Tribal Baby’s Hunters Thread. Each day I highlight a page on the site. Todays is an article I wrote for the Australian Breastfeeding Association’s ‘Essence’ magazine, called Breastfeeding my Nappy Free Baby

I wrote it when my son was under a year old. It highlights how important breastfeeding was in helping us with Elimination Communication, or rather the other way around – doing EC helped to support breastfeeding. Anyway, it is about the interdependence of the two….

My baby stirs beside me. He searches and ‘boobifies’ himself as I gaze at his gorgeous face. A quick drink and he pulls off, frowns, squirms and kicks his legs. I pick him up and hold him over a bowl, where he does a big wee as I whisper “sss” quietly in his ear.He then continues his feed for a while longer, eyes open as he fiddles with my hair. Soon, he pulls off, goes back on, detaching and attaching in a certain ‘plucking’ way as he again wriggles then grizzles a bit. I hold him over the bowl again, cue ‘sss pss’, patiently waiting – he does his daily poo as I clench my belly muscles to encourage and help him to learn what to do. I wipe his cute little bum with a tissue.

Enjoy your visit to Tribal Baby!

Hunters Start Here…

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